This Wednesday, Apsis Motion Pictures participated in this year’s 48 hour film festival in Baltimore. Our film, The Reclaimation of Louis Ledbetter, premiered on the big screen to a rousing reception by the audience. The film is now available for view on the group’s YouTube Page, but I’ll put it up here for you to check out as well.
Each team is assigned a genre, along with three requirements that are announced on Friday evening, and the teams have until the following Sunday evening to turn in a 4-7 minute film. The required elements for this film were:
Character: Louis Ledbetter, Neighborhood Busybody (Played by the brilliant Paul R. Sieber of Bite the Hand)
Prop: Dog collar
Line: “If you want me, you know where to find me.”
The Genre that we pulled out of a hat was “Dark Comedy”
Directed by Joel Loukus, Produced by Tyr Rollins, Stunt Coordination by Dylan Hintz, Costumes by Denise Loukus
Dylan Hintz, Paul Sieber, Jasmine Guillermo, Tyr Rollins, Samuel Slater, Dan Carter, Anthony D Paul, Robert Novich, Kristy Holnaider, Lexxiana Zolliafter
Apsis Motion Pictures proudly presents: “The Reclamation of Louis Ledbetter” , a 48 Hour Film Festival Baltimore entry. Paul R. Sieber and Dylan Hintz star in this dark comedy about a group of post apocalyptic refugees who encounter bad luck and slave traders when trying to rebuild a machine and restart civilization. Be sure to check out the trailer below!
Be sure to check out this trailer, and give full credit to the rest of the cast: Sam Slater, Jasmine Guillermo, Robert Novich, Dan Carter, Tyr Rollins, Anthony D. Paul, and more! I provided stunt coordination, Denise Loukus of Apsis Costuming and Clothiers provided the wardrobe, and ADG Creative was a sponsor on the project!
In this episode of Genre Wars directed by World War 2 enthusiast Christian Swanberg, a squad of WWII soldiers encounters a posse of outlaws, both in search of the mystical “Onium”- an object of unknown properties.
Special thanks goes to Bob Novich for saving our bacon and pitching in as the lead character- his first major acting role since our own post-apocalyptic kung fu western, Line of Sight. Tyr Rollins of Apsis Motion Pictures also came out to lend a hand. Me? I was just happy to be the coordinator on a lot of great western action moments, and have a hand-to-hand with local fight performing legend PJ Megaw!
I threw together a quick video with the segment from the 5/3/12 Titus Podcast “Dude, Where’s My Plastic Explosives?” primarily because, well, I got tired of searching the podcast for the segment for people who were asking me what was up!
I was fortunate enough to meet up with Titus and Rachel at their Baltimore Comedy Factory stand up performance last weekend and, thanks to this podcast, I didn’t come off as a complete psycho stalker! In fact it was kinda the other way around when I realized Rachel knew who I was before I opened my mouth! Clearly her criminal justice degree paid off, as she had apparently built up a whole criminal background check thing on me, just to make sure Titus was safe upon my approach…
“And if Dylan had just stopped talking right at that moment, that would have been a cool story…”
Yeah…totally taking this too far. Point is- THANK YOU Tommy, sir, you’re an awesome inspiration, and now that I know who you are I totally want to go back and watch all the Titus seasons again, just to see you get blown up in awesomely horrible ways! Thanks, sir!
Here’s Stuntman’s Reel, just in case anyone was wondering. Awesome guy!
I got a really great call today from Mike Merino of MCM FILMS. He wanted to inform me that, based on my audition I was a qualified candidate for the role of PARK RANGER JOEY in “DISMAL CREEK”, the upcoming Appalachian-set horror film by the production company known for The Haunting of Pearson Place.
Here’s a plot synopsis, as well as a teaser trailer:
In the 2000 plus miles of the majestic and mysterious mountains in the Eastern side of North America, a dangerous killer plagues the foothills and canyons of the Appalachia. Relentlessly, he preys on the blood and fear of the unsuspecting… as a local Sheriff desperately tries to save six hikers from a terrifying and horrendous death. He’s aided in his quest by two Mountain men, but are they with him or against him. Only time will tell.
Park Ranger Joey is a fun supporting role where I’m sure I’ll get to do some crazy stunt work, share a movie with my good buddy Daniel Ross of Ninjas Vs. Monsters, potentially work with Kane Hodder (in talks!) of Hatchet 1 and 2 (IN TALKS), and get scared out of my mind! I can’t wait for this, it will be an awesome experience!