About a month ago I set out on a journey to the West…and I don’t mean to California. I mean cowboy boots, a duster, and a six shooter.
Genre Wars is an interactive webseries started in the DC area in which fans get to help select the next chapter via YouTube votes.
In this episode of Genre Wars directed by World War 2 enthusiast Christian Swanberg, a squad of WWII soldiers encounters a posse of outlaws, both in search of the mystical “Onium”- an object of unknown properties.
Special thanks goes to Bob Novich for saving our bacon and pitching in as the lead character- his first major acting role since our own post-apocalyptic kung fu western, Line of Sight. Tyr Rollins of Apsis Motion Pictures also came out to lend a hand. Me? I was just happy to be the coordinator on a lot of great western action moments, and have a hand-to-hand with local fight performing legend PJ Megaw!