As of today, November 5th 2012, the website is officially 6 years old!

Not as much to show off as last year, what with the crazy Max Action meets Dylan video, STRIKE A POST, but heck, we’ve had a lot of stuff happening behind the curtains, mostly related to my acting and film career, but there have been a few other surprise things going on we can’t talk about just yet!

One thing we can talk about : Expect an update to this website in the next couple of months. I’ve been learning a lot about web development and CSS/Wordpress template building at my job at 270net Technologies, so hopefully I’ll be able to apply them to the site soon! (You might notice that the nav bar is err…not in the right place!).

Point is, expect a flood of updates – I’ve done lots of random client work, so you’ll see some packages and docs, a couple of short entertainment pieces, a post about the Lightsaber Choreography Contest entry I did with Apsis Motion pictures, and like I said, some updates on my stunt and acting career.

I will also probably be making a page on this site dedicated to my freelance video production work, including portfolio and contact information. Any tips on that is appreciated!

So with the updates rolling in (and yes, hopefully Bite the Hand coming soon…wow it’s been a year since I made THAT promise!) we will be creating a cleaner, more SEO driven site with re-uploaded video content. IE – I will probably re-export a lot of my old videos and upload them to YouTube to free up server space and, again increase SEO for the website (and our YouTube page, which is over 50,000 views without almost any internet marketing!).


We are still looking for a film critic to submit guest reviews to the website, as well as people looking to speak up on local (or global!) industry news.  And while Strike a Pose Films has been the home for the DC Stunt Coalition updates as of recently, soon we should have a new place to call home for that intel.

There’s a lot we can do with this website, as there’s already a lot of content on it, so there’s no reason not to continue with updates, new content, and better optimization.

If you’d like to help with the rising success of our work, and keep it relevant (like Gangnam style!) please be sure to share the Strike a Pose!!! Films Facebook page on your facebook, google, or whatever! Our fan level is rising, but we need more support!

Be sure to check back a week from now. I’m sure I’ll have something up by then!

The Management