It’s been a while since we’ve had an official release but today we celebrate two occassions– star Phil Krocheski’s belated birthday, and my college graduation–

with a special video treat:

The FINAL CUT of one of our most beloved shorts:


With NEW special effects (John Ianuzzi of System Shock 2 fame), titles and music!

All music provided by artists on


Thomas England (Man of Action) stars as Jasper Conroy, a hard drinkin’ red-blooded American Man. He’s also a gun for hire in Salisbury, Maryland AKA the place where there’s nothing to do except hunt down hardened criminals and blow holes in the neighbor’s front porch.

In this story, Jasper is hired to take down a robot assassin (Phil Krocheski- The Intersection/Gullman) who has been wiping out drug dealers in the greater Salisbury area. Can he stop the mechanical menace from ruining his boss’s  (John Dougherty) drug ring? Will he be able to save his pal Tony (James Howe- Spy Boxing)from a former CIA agent turned Cybernetic sociopath?  Can Jasper prevent those pictures of himself and that Tijuana donkey from getting out to the internet?

Find out the answers to these questions and more in the final, EXPLOSIVE cut of Jasper Conroy: Salisbury Bounty Hunter.

And be sure to wish Philip Krocheski a very happy birthday! Without his costume we wouldn’t have had two of our coolest flicks, and our first in-house spin off!

Today is Mother’s Day and in celebration of my mom, I put forth the effort and made a little video to congratulate her on a recent victory over morning radio:

Thanks Mix 107.3 for making this possible, and

Thank you Mom, for giving me everything– life, love, and lots of support towards making cool little things like this for you! Happy Mother’s Day!

A Quick Update on Project 100 Days

Today is day 67, that means that Project 100 Days has successfully passed its two-thirds mark– a big slice of the chronological pie. Strike a Pose!!! Films is shooting a documentary on the training exercise, and it’s been an exciting honor to see these students make so much progress.

Here’s a brief clip from the doc, of teacher Fundi Weeks and student Robert Ramirez (remember him?) performing their two-man staff set routine, part of the training for 100 Days.

What is Project 100 Days, you might ask? Project 100 Days is the multimedia documentation of this time period, as captured by me, Dylan Hintz, and the students participating in the training system.

For those of you still uninformed, 100 Days is a training program put in place by Self Mastery System’s head instructor, Fundi John Weeks, that honors the monastic tradition. What does this

Essentially, 7 students of Self Mastery Systems, the Rockville-based Tai Chi/Shaolin Kung Fu/Yoga school, take part in a 100 day long training exercise in which they must complete a number of requirements on an every day basis. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Practicing everything they know every day
  • Increasing the total number of repetitions in certain exercises every week
  • Reinforcing their flexibility through numerous stretching exercises
  • Maintaining complete sobriety

and, possibly hardest restriction of all for the group of 18-28 year-olds?

  • Complete, 100% celibacy.

They are two thirds of the way in. How many students are still going? What challenges have they faced? You’d have to read the blog at or see the upcoming documentary to find out. It’s been a hard road, but the path has been enlightening for those taking it, and STRIKE A POSE!!! Films has been there to document it since the first steps of the journey.

Students of SMS gathered together for their most recent Sash and Proficiency test.

Instructor Fundi Weeks is in the red shirt.

As of yesterday I was officially wrapped for the Ocean City Webseries shoot with Valdean on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. It was a wild 10-12 days (see- I can’t even keep track of the time!) but it was good solid, professional production work. I met a lot of really cool people who are already pros in the industry, and got to work hard with some of my colleagues from SU!

A longer blog post will be coming up soon, but for now, here’s a picture of myself, Travis Carr, Daniel Ulf, Matt Solomon, and the great Al Thompson on set for the untitled webseries we shot, from the creators of Johnny B. Homeless!

What an awesome time!

I figured since I haven’t posted anything in a few weeks I’d just shoot up a quick video I found infinitely amusing and see what happens.

Anyone who reads this site should know two of my biggest inspirations in film making are Aliens and Predator. It is my goal in the film industry to one day make a sci-fi movie just as good as either of those. I think we made a pretty decent start with our System Shock 2 Fan Film (IE– the mega-low-budget-one-tenth-as-long-version-of-PANDORUM, minus Dennis Quaid). Hopefully we’ll get another shot at something similar this year.

Well, here’s what happens when a mediocre video game comes out. Props go out to ‘s Zero Punctuation.

PS- JASPER CONROY is probably coming out next week. OOOOOOOOOOh.