So I have a new vid up for everyone! This was made back in Montgomery County, starring David Harris, The Professor of Kick-Assery, and myself, Dylan (in this case The Villain), TURF WAR will revolutionize how much you think STRIKE A POSE!!! needs a facelift…
Anyways enjoy!
Hey (eventual) readers! I got something new for the world to see, and for all those out there in movie and videogame land I hope you’ll enjoy what STRIKE A POSE!!! has provided over the year(s)! And now, for your entertainment, I present, the STRIKE A POSE!!! Film Productions’ DEMO VIDEO!
This demo contains clips from:
LOCKED BLADES, The Third Path, CURSE OF BODANGOFISH, RETURN OF BODANGOFISH, Blind: The Neighborhood Ninja, THE GREATEST BATTLE OF ALL TIME, and a new, never-before seen production, SpyTech INC..