The last couple of days haven’t had a lot of posts, so I figured I’d give you all a little musical number to chew on while I work on some stuff. My Dad, David Hintz, has recently started a singing career at local coffee shops in Lehigh Acres, Florida and, well, I’m pretty proud of dear ol’ Da. I figured I had made a post dedicated to my Mom a while back, so why not one for him?
So, without further ado, I present by way of YouTube, The Step Bros (I think that’s their group?) and their cover of Paradise by John Prine.
Dad, makes me pretty pissed at myself that I never let you teach me how to play the guitar properly! Then again, I was a lefty, and thus not destined to do so!
Enjoy this vid as a supplement for now– I’ve been pretty busy with acting jobs lately, both The Graveyard and Eden Lost, but I’ve also been getting a lot of footage with Max involving raving and zombies. Behind the scenes footage of other projects is also in the works for those interested.
In the meantime, be sure to comment on my dad’s awesome singing ability-Â I hear he’s got a career in the works, which is definitely leaps and bounds ahead of my own in the entertainment industry! Late bloomer? I’d say so.
When the music stops at N-Code 2010, Max Action and crew bring their own lyrical and rhythmic talents to the floor. Wait till you hear this mesmerizing a-Capella laid down before your very ears!
Here’s a small sample of the good times that were shared at Club Orpheus!
So the other day at the Tokyo Game Show, Capcom released it’s trailer for the newest Devil May Cry game. The franchise has long inspired my film making and style, and even inspired me to make one of my most well received videos!
However, when I excitedly went to see the trailer on, waiting for the player to load with joyful glee such the likes as a kid on Christmas eve, I saw some things I never expected.
So everyone out there on the internet, what do you think of the changes made to our boy, Dante, in the new DMC?
Westhavenbrook, our sorta adopted-older-brother-that-doesn’t-quite-know-it-yet (see Street Fighter: Alpha the movie), has released the awesome second part to their webseries, Battle Jitni in: The Danger Element.See part one here.
Doctor Trevor Elymas (Doug Jones) is only one step away from completing a diabolical plan. Battle Jitni (John Soares), member of a secret order of vigilantes, must wrench The Danger Element from Doctor Elymas’ grasp before it can be stabilized and installed in his machine.
Battle Jitni has escaped the clutches of Doctor Elymas with the Danger Element, but a new party has taken interest. Persued by mister Saltzman and his mysterious employer, Carlotto, Battle Jitni finds unexpected help.
Westhavenbrook’s sci-fi-fantasy-martial-arts-steampunk adventure is the latest flick in a long chronichle of video’s featuring John Soares’s action hero character, Battle Jitni. Second only to Ronnie Cordova in notoriety, John and his team’s work with this character and other’s have been a constant inspiration for STRIKE A POSE!!! Films. Make sure to support this one- the fight scenes in it kick modern-day Hollywood’s ass!
I was hanging out with our web developer, Neutralx2 the other night. We decided to dick around with his new captcha card and see if we could make a quick Halo 3 skill scene. It was fun to get my hands on the tools in the Halo 3 video production kit. Here’s some very quick results:
A full demo video will hopefully come in either by the end of this month or October.