Archive for Slinger’s Notes


For good flicks:

I got home from SU yesterday and boy were my arms tired. Actually my legs. Also it was really two days ago.

I had missed/forgotten about two of my friends birthdays- My younger brother, Trevor, and my friend Damien. Ok so only one of those people is actually a friend, whatever.
But nonetheless I took them to see a flick in order to pay off the ridiculous present deficit I had faced.

So we went to see Casino Royale.

And with that, let me introduce the new STRIKE A POSE!!! Rating System for movie Reviews:
I generally believe in the Ebert/Roeper system of recommendation for the bulk of a review: A thumbs up or thumbs down implies “Do I think my readers should see it or not.” Well, once readers get to know me better, that’ll make more sense, so yeah, if a movie STRIKES A POSE!!! it’s a winner in my opinion and you should see it- it most likely contains depth, style, character, and good production qualities all around.

Did I ever explain why we’re called STRIKE A POSE!!! ? Well, there’s a good reason for that:

Striking a pose is the most simple artistic expression any human being can do- when there’s nothing left it shows attitude, it shows respect or determination, it shows essence. Dancers do it, fighters do it, rappers and rockers, politicians and street punks, not just action heroes and comic book characters. Your younger brother will do it when he gets an A on his elementary school report card. Your older brother will do it when he scores the winning touchdown in college football. You sister will do it when she performs in a piano recital- even if its just nodding her head in appreciation for the applause.

Human positioning- its the basics of art.

So, what’s the opposite? I’d probably say a dead fish, but I’m not going to get anymore complicated. If the movie is a flop, its a flop, but that also means I probably won’t write about it anyways cause I won’t care enough to feel motivated. That’s pretty much it. If a film “STRIKES A POSE!!!” it’s going to be good from mine/ours opinions.

Now that’s for recommendation reviews (spoiler free). If I do a critical review I’ll just go on the four-star system accepted by the majority of the reviewers.

Anyways, I’ll post on Casino Royale later. I’ll say this for right now though:

Daniel Craig as 007 definitely STRIKES A POSE!!!

Striking the First Pose!!!

Hi, welcome to STRIKE A POSE!!! : THE WEBSITE.

I, Dylan Hintz, now own a domain…sorta. I still have to pay Ryan Jacob, our generous domain host over at – a great site for gaming info and videos.

Anyways, this is really just a test post, so whether you’re part of my “company” or involved with the Salisbury University Club, please come back for future updates.

Today I leave you with this strip from David Lynch, thank’s to Wikipedia (DON’T SUE!
