Westhavenbrook Releases Sockbaby 4

The time has come, the Walrus said…


Westhavenbrook, the amazing film group behind Sockbaby 1-3, The Battle Jitni series, and many other entertaining amateur and Zero-budget chopsocky films, have released their biggest movie yet. John Soares returns as our jive-talking’, smooth-walkin’, ass-kickin’ hero, Ronny Cordova to do what he does best: Kicks some ass while walkin’ smooth and talkin’ jive! All the while looking really good doing it.

It should be pretty well known around here that STRIKE A POSE!!! Films has found a lot of inspiration through Westhavenbrook’s original film, and wouldn’t have come nearly as far as we have without their further inspiration and kind words of support. So we’re gonna post their new video for you guys to see, but by all means, go to the Sockbaby Official Website to see the original films, then download the new one in HIGH DEF WMV below:

Download Sockbaby 4