This little gem has been popping up all over the internet lately, and recently Rotten Tomatoes released and exclusive director interview to help flesh out the plot.
Synopsis from
FRANKLYN is about four lost souls, divided by two parallel worlds, on course for an explosive collision when a single bullet will decide all their fates.
This doesn’t sound like a typical action movie, until you hear about the character, specifically the Rorschach inspired Preest,
a masked vigilante detective, searching for his nemesis on the streets of Meanwhile City, a monolithic fantasy metropolis ruthlessly governed by faith and religious fervor. Esser (Hurt) is a broken man, searching for his wayward son amongst the rough streets of London’s homeless. Milo (Bettany) is a heartbroken thirty-something desperately trying to find a way back to the purity of first love. Emilia (Green) is a beautiful art student; her suicidal art projects are becoming increasingly more complex and deadly.
Here’s the link to the Rotten Tomatoes director exclusive.
I’ll probably check this one out, it sorta rocks to the same vibes as The Crow, Oldboy, and Dark City. Those are three of my favorite films, if anyone feels like discussing ’em.