I feel like I should make an announcement as to the reason there have been so few updates as of lately. So I’m gonna make a quick post listing some of the videos and movies I’ve recently been in. This’ll just be a quick list with some promo photos and links, but I’ll post a more in-depth post as each thing is released.
A feature-length science feature film by entrepenuer, musician, inventor, and most importantly, writer Cliff Paris. Based on his own self-published novel of the same name. I play the character Forsythe, who has been praised critically as a remarkably entertaining character from the novel. I hope I’ve brought some credibility to the role!
Get a copy of the book now at Amazon!
J. Edgar
I was recently invited to be an extra on Clint Eastwood’s latest project “J. Edgar” and even got to meet the Man With No-Name himself. Got to get a signed dvd cover of Gran Torino for my mom as well! It was a fantastic experience being in period piece costume, seeing Leonardo DiCaprio act. But most importantly: getting a chance to see this aging legend in action behind the camera. The dude is 81 and I’m pretty sure he could still kick my ass.
Here’s the full story link on my youtube, webcam style for anyone wanting to hear about the experience! Part 1 and Part 2.
The Adventures of Louanna Lee (Episode 4)
I have been playing the supporting role of Norville Winterbottom in Lee Doll’s TV series “The Adventures of Louanna Lee” for a couple of days now and it has been pretty fantastic. Definitely enjoying this chance to play something more over the top and comedic in this family friendly kids-teens show!
You can find the trailer for the upcoming episode here!
The Demise of Charlie Hampstead
Premiering tonight at Towson University, this dramatic revenge thriller is creepy, perverse and downright unpleasant. I enjoyed every minute of filming the scenes with the rest of the cast including Nick Hanson and Dominique Spencer. I also choreographed and supervised the stunt sequence which ends in my death and a whole lot of mayhem. Directed by rising film maker Christian Pack.
Just been busy making this movie! It’s coming out great. Here’s a promo picture of me taken by William S. Ralph– our amazing on set photographer. The Teaser was shot just two nights ago and it’s going to come out fabulously! We look forward to showing you! 
For more about Bite the Hand, visit the website! A teaser is coming soon!
Or find it on Facebook!