Earlier in November I got to live out a career-long dream:
Fight with my professional hero, John Soares.
It required two 16 hour-long bus rides, and a lot of coffee, but it was definitely one of the most fulfilling experiences of said career so far. There’s a lot going into this story that I do want to share. But if you can’t get to the end, let me just say I am incredibly grateful to John for giving me this opportunity, to Cassie for being welcoming and fun to work with (and for her BAD ASS camera work!), and their friend John Wall who helped out on the set and kept us going with BTS videos and footage when it started to get cold.
Not to mention every other single person along the way these last ten years who helped make this possible. I hope I manage to mention you in this post. Because this marks something special: This is the final blog post for Strike a Pose!!! Films.com, and if you are so inclined, please feel free to read it.
I know it’s been a while since I posted, but I recently just completed a video featuring LIVE ACTION THEATRE and the DC STUNT COALITION for the upcoming “Continuing Adventures of John Blade: Super Spy” fringe festival fight play!
….That was a mouthful!
Check out the video and the wonderful cast and crew at their Kickstarter Page! Give them a hand – this is going to be one awesome show!
Below is the video, and here’s a description of the show:
“It’s business as usual for John Blade, Super Spy, when Professor Tantamount threatens the world with yet another doomsday device.”
Thanks to the DCSC and LIVE ACTION THEATRE for making this awesome video a reality!
I taught a class this weekend for the Cinematography Workshop HdgDrama Guild. It was just basics such as safety, etiquette, some history, the structure of a stunt team, and techniques such as falls, rolls, punches, sword work, sells, and choreography.
It was one of the best experiences I’ve had to date in the industry, and I hope to do it again in the future. I’ll be posting the video of the kid’s final product in a while, but for now, here are a couple of fun pictures featuring the students and myself from the class!
Hi everyone out there! I know it’s been a while since I’ve made a serious update. I’m currently sitting in a panel hosted by Harknell of Interventioncon.com on WordPress 101, so I figured it’d be an appropriate time to make a post.
In the last few months I’ve been incredibly busy with acting, stunt training, a personal life, and catching up with freelance projects for various clients – Some of which I’ll be posting soon!
For now, I’m gonna pimp that I’m hosting a panel tonight for the DC STUNT Coalition, “The Art of Action” discussing fight choreography and stunt work for indie films and low budget web content.
Be sure to come by if you can! The panel is at 9PM in panel 2. Content from this will show up on the site later!