The Razzie Awards, the self described “award show where the stars never show up” has posted its nominations today right along side of the Oscar Nods that have come out. Thankfully, neither group crosses over in terms of ceremonial prestige, and we get to see a fully divided set of Good and Evil between the two this year. And gee-golly what an awful year in films it was! I seriously think that The Razzie only hit the tip of the iceberg though, as it should have nicked that terrible movie of which I never speak (The Infamous Third Spider Person Film) for a few of the nominations, but the films chosen definitely merit these awards! It’s too bad they can’t all win.
Here’s the list as provided by the awards’ website,
Nominations Per Picture
I KNOW WHO KILLED ME = 9 Nominations
Worst Screen Couple, Horror Movie, Screenplay, Director, Remake/Rip-Off,
Supporting Actress, Actress (2x), PictureI NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK & LARRY = 8 Nominations
Worst Screen Couple, Screenplay, Director, Supporting Actor (2x) Supporting Actress, Actor, PictureNORBIT = 8 Nominations
Worst Screen Couple, Screenplay, Director, Supporting Actor, Supporting Actress, Actor (2x) PictureBRATZ = 5 Nominations
Worst Screen Couple, Remake/Rip-Off, Supporting Actor, Actress, PictureDADDY DAY CAMP = 5 Nominations
Worst Screenplay, Director, Prequel/Sequel, Actor, PictureCAPTIVITY = 3 Nominations
Worst Excuse for a Horror Movie, Director, Actress