Our next film, Line of Sight, is currently under production. We shot an hour of footage over 6 hours today, and 3 hours the previous day. Doesn’t sound like a lot, I know, but that’s cause we were hoofin it big time to get these beautiful shots in some of the woods near Seneca Creek State Park (but not in it).
The film takes place in The Peregrine Saga, with two characters, Stray (Bob Novich)- an exiled cage fighter from Canine Town, happening across The Monk (Rob Ramirez), a warrior from places unknown using an ancient style.
When they cross paths on the border of Canine Town, they are both targeted by the mercenary bounty hunter, Flintlock (Sam Anderson). Confused by the random shooting and luckily fast enough to jump out of the way, The Monk gives chase to Stray- thinking it he who fired first.
This is mostly just a simple demo for some choreography performance and editing, but we also got to work on Make Up and Costume selections for a change. Not to mention, we’ve actually started planning movies at least 1 day in advance- this one was 3- like Clarity last month.
All in all it was a GREAT learning experience, and we’ll have a lot of pre-production teaser stuff on the site in the coming days and weeks. Damien McCoy assistant directed for me, and took a lot of behind the scenes photos and some footage for us to enjoy while I take my sweet time editing it. We still have two scenes to film, one for background and one for the ending (after 6 hours both batteries I had were VERY unfortunately DEAD), and hopefully I can get those done before I go on vacation with my lovely girlfriend.
Well, we’re definitely striking some great poses over here. I love the people I work with- the crew has really formed a bond and I’m proud of everyone- most of them never really considered themselves actors, martial artists or stuntmen. I would like to say that this movie, for everyone I’ve worked with, confirms that you have all done it, you have come the full way, and whatever future’s you’re looking for are right ahead of you. You guys could do ANYTHING- film or not.
So, I’ll get to editing stuff a bit this week, and maybe have a teaser for something to show you soon. Goodnight everyone!