Taxi Driver Fan Scene

This short scene from Taxi Driver was made for my Directing Actor’s for Film Class at Salisbury. In the original film and screenplay, directed by Martin Scorsese and written by Paul Schrader, Travis Bickle is a marine honorably discharged from the service who lives in New York City. Over his time living there he develops an obsession with Betsy, a young office worker for the Charles Palantine Presidential Campaign. This obsession leads him to ask her out on a date. It sounds simple enough, but I chose this scene because of Travis’s underlying motives and Betsy’s ignorance– a by product of Travis’s off-beat charisma and her desires for things of the spectacular variety. The portayal of such was carried through beautifully by both actors, Roland L. and Emily J. Thomas from the future film makers club makes a guest appearance as an improvised Tom.

Written by Paul Schrader, Music by Bernard Herrman
Directed by Dylan Hintz
Starring Roland L and Emily J. Guest appearance by Thomas England.